Does the US have an overpopulation problem, or
is overpopulation a concern of other countries?
Answer: In many respects the degree of overpopulation is a matter of perspective:
Some Americans can "park" on a crowded freeway and not understand population is a determining factor
Some Americans can be denied a permit to enter a National Park and not understand population is a factor
Some Americans say to remedy our problems we should... (select your favorite):
- increase gas mileage
- reduce income inequality
- build more highways and mass transit
- build more high rise apartments
- catch and release fish
- reduce water use
- reduce pollution, etc.
Some people see a sinister agenda where none is intended nor evident
It is difficult for some Americans to understand the relationships between
U.S. environmental, social, and economic problems and population growth or overpopulation.
A good first definition of overpopulation is one that
exemplifies how you are personally impacted.
For example, to someone who enjoys outdoor activities a possible definition could be
when Americans are turned away from a National Park because it is full.
That's simple enough, but think about it.
-- Dell Erickson